Farming Simulator 22
FS22 New crops, Grapes, olives ...
25 Jun 2021
Farming Simulator 22 announced some new crops. Be honest? This was what we all been waiting for. The new crops are Grapes, olives and sorghum and we are really excited to tell you about them.
Farming Simulator 22 is getting more south with the introduction of grapes. You can now start your wine business in Farming simulator 22. Plant your grapes on hillsides and curved fields. And harvest them in the correct time frame when playing with the season. You also need to fertilize them and loosen the ground around the plants. Special equipment in introduced to handle the grapes.
Elevate your farm to an even more south look. With the introduction of olives, you will never be bored again in FS 22. It looks like little trees but they assure you that the view will be fantastic. New Holland offers again the right machine to harvest these crops: New Holland Braud 9090X.

Last but not least Sorghum. This is a new type of grain and is a member of the sweetgrass family. They say it one of the most important foodstuffs in the world. Sound really excited to us! Sorghum is most popular in dry climates and for that reason super important in the world.

We already talked about chains in this blog. Today we get a little bit more info about this. We can turn grapes into tasty grape juice or you can let them dry and sell dried grapes. The olives are of course used for creating olive oil. The sorghum you can use to produce flour.
If you want to learn more about FS 22 check our blog. Make sure on the day of release to check the new Farming Simulator 22 mods.
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