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Fliegl 2-axis dolly v1.0.0.0 fs19-mods

Modell: gnescher
Konvertierung & Bugfixes: ICookie

3.17 MB

Fliegl 2-axis dolly v1.0.0.0
Fliegl 2-axis dolly v1.0.0.0 Fliegl 2-axis dolly v1.0.0.0 Fliegl 2-axis dolly v1.0.0.0


Fliegl 2-axis dolly v1.0.0.0 Information
Dear MH Community,
since I have been asked again and again whether I could convert the dolly to the FS19, I now decided to publish it.
Function (s)
Lights, indicators
A movable coupling with the mouse or the J / N keys
Tire choice (Normal, Wide tires -> +200 €)
Ingame data
Brand: Fliegl
Price (in €): 11200 (11600)
Daily cost (in €): 15
Log is error-free

Urmodell: gnescher
Conversion & bugfixes: iCookie
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