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1993 W350 Dodge Ram fs22-mods

Mrboomnastic, Expendable Modding, Mardi Ekshian, McLain Modding

134.90 MB

Added to wishlist for FS25

1993 W350 Dodge Ram
1993 W350 Dodge Ram 1993 W350 Dodge Ram 1993 W350 Dodge Ram 1993 W350 Dodge Ram 1993 W350 Dodge Ram 1993 W350 Dodge Ram



The Classic FS19 W350 by Ben A. of expendables makes its return in full stride with some modifications added from its previous covert with updated physics, some new wheels, and much-needed tuning! As from the 72 F100, most of the classic farm truck options have made their return with the exception of the topper and bed rails. The powertrain consists of 12 Valve Cummins Diesel mounted to a 5-speed manual transmission!. The truck color pallet has been revised to some of the best colors I've attempted to make over the past 3 years so enjoy the fresh looks of this ride! There are now 2 new sets of wheels that have made their way to the vehicle being Continental All Seasons and Perrelli Scorpions All Terrains! If you want a minimalist good looking Ram farm ring then look no further!


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