FS19 John Deere Edition Menu Background v1.0

Mod-Network is recieving some updates. Thank you for your patiences ;)
68.59 MB
So this was a very fun project, I kinda oversized it a bit so you could at least walk and store stuff in the back.
Original Post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ka-27-helicopter-45081669
Winch is installed, but current version of flying Lua is hindering it, waiting for next Lua update Zippy is going to send me,
Color Select
Full collisions
The Lua that allows us to fly is still being worked on, so all flight mechanics are being tested and changed as the Lua is adjusted.
*weight limit it can hold inside or winch in 4000L, no way around it ...yet :)
Assembly, scripting and painting- Lambo
Zippyo - edits of LevitatorSprayer.lua Copyright (c) 2016 Eisbearg.
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