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Hand Weeder v2.1.0.0 fs19-mods



259.43 KB

Image: Hand Weeder v2.1.0.0
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Hand Weeder v2.1.0.0 Hand Weeder for manually removing weeds. Ideal for the small farm, or for people using Seasons to remove patchy weeds. As with the weeders in the basegame, only non-matured weeds can be removed. Colour selection available, and can be strapped down with tension belts.

How to use it: Pick it up, point it at the ground and move the tool to remove weeds.
WARNING: Running whilst carrying the weeder may still cause you to trip over it, depending on the orientation of the weeder. I recommend carrying it vertically when you want to run.

Price: 43 €
Working Width: 0.5 m

- Raised the work width to 0.5m to make it easier to remove stubborn weeds
- The bug where you tripped or went flying into the air has been resolved

- Dutch translation added
- Changed collisions to make them less complex and reduce filesize
- Minor texture improvements
- Raised descVersion

If you have any problems or questions, you can contact me on the official Giants forum, or on FS Nation.

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