No More Auto Lift v1.0.0.4

Mod-Network is recieving some updates. Thank you for your patiences ;)
Script to run animations at the touch of a button
With this script, <animation> 's defined in the xml can be played at the touch of a button.
Problem with mouse control not working anymore has been fixed
Fixed typo in anim5
general typos fixed -> therefore the old entries in the inputBindings.xml may have to be deleted
Not all TA_anim and anim entries have to be used.
For example, if you only need 2 animations, you simply delete the TA_anim3-10 or anim3-10.
All attribute names should remain unchanged.
Only the names of the <animation> need to be entered in the xml at "anim1" - "anim10" or the individual texts for de / en in the Moddesc.
More info: https://www.modding-welt.com/mods/file/2726-toggleanimations/
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