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Multifruchtsilo Pack v1.1.0.0 fs22-mods

Modell: Giants
Textur: Giants
Script: Giants
Idee / Konzept: Switty
Tester: Switty

3.14 MB

Added to wishlist for FS25

Multifruchtsilo Pack v1.1.0.0
Multifruchtsilo Pack v1.1.0.0 Multifruchtsilo Pack v1.1.0.0 Multifruchtsilo Pack v1.1.0.0 Multifruchtsilo Pack v1.1.0.0 Multifruchtsilo Pack v1.1.0.0 Multifruchtsilo Pack v1.1.0.0


Version 1.1
- Minced meatballs balls can be stored

Multi-fruit silo Shellfish with the following fruits: wheat, barley, oats, rapeseed, millet, grapes, olives, sunflowers, soybeans, corn, potatoes, sugar beets, sugar beet schnitzel, sugar cane, seeds, croutons, chaff, silage, fodder, silage, fodder Straw, snow, road salt, manure, manure, pig feed, lime, mineral feed, stones
Ball trigger for: silage, grass, hay, straw, minced meat
Multi-fruit silo liquid with the following inputs: milk, water, diesel, liquid fertilizer, manure, yeast residue, plant protection products


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