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Fiat 180-90 DT RMT v1.0.0.0 fs19-mods



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Image: Fiat 180-90 DT RMT v1.0.0.0
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Fiat 180-90 DT RMT v1.0.0.0 RMT entry for the Fiat 180-90 DT
The Fiat is here
RMT entry for the original built 16/16 reverse gear (4 groups, 4 gears)
Is theoretically simpleIC prepared with the entries, but has no renders and no outside trigger point!
The file is a Winrar / Zip file and has to be extracted, it contains the XML and a Sounds folder,
the standard model has a gear shift sound, but it doesn't sound good with RMT!
MFG Andreas

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