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Kolonia 1990 v1.1.0.0 fs19-mods


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Kolonia 1990 v1.1.0.0
Kolonia 1990 v1.1.0.0 Kolonia 1990 v1.1.0.0 Kolonia 1990 v1.1.0.0


Kolonia 1990 v1.1.0.0 Welcome to Kolonia 1990! This is the Polish map for Farming Simulator 2019 set in the climate of the 90s.

The map has:
- Two farms (pigs / cows and chickens)
- Over 80 fields
- Biogas plant
- Sawmill
- Forest
- Missions on the fields
- Animated doors and lights
- New textures tree, crop and ground
- Two selling points
- Polish climate
And a lot more... Changelog:
-Support for mod seasons
-Adaptation of the map for consoles
-Changed textures of maize, soybeans and grass
-Changed icon Changelog:
- Added Normal map textures to objects
- Light reflection on the roofs has been added
- New sounds have been added on the map
- Snow was added on the roofs
- Frozen ponds have been added in winter
- Painted paving stones have been added
- Bush painting added
- Field textures have been improved
- Farmlands have been improved
- The entrance to the top of the garage has been improved
- Corn textures have been corrected
- Fixed SeasonsMask
- Snow-covered roads have been added

I hope you like the map.


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