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Kamaz 65117 with trailer v1.0.0.0 fs19-mods


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Kamaz 65117 with trailer v1.0.0.0
Kamaz 65117 with trailer v1.0.0.0 Kamaz 65117 with trailer v1.0.0.0


Kamaz-65117 with a trailer: - Power: 300 hp; - Speed: 100 km / h; - The volume of the fuel tank: 500 liters; - Cost: 84800 €; - Service cost per day: 848 €; - Choice of the main color; - Choice of body; - Dynamic hoses; - Animated suspension, cardans, devices; - Working lighting equipment; - Working mirrors; - Leaves traces; - Gets dirty and washed; - Body volume: 30000/40000/45000 l. Authors: Eraevgenij, Evgen333, vladimir.loko FS19: MaKsoN


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