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Amazone ZA-TS 3200-L v1.0.0.0 fs25-mods


3.38 MB

Amazone ZA-TS 3200-L mod in FS25 cultivating a vast field near a road.
Amazone ZA-TS 3200-L mod in FS25 cultivating a vast field near a road. A tractor with Amazone ZA-TS 3200-L mod in FS25 cultivating a field near a road. Amazone ZA-TS 3200-L mod used on a field in FS25, showing precise farming patterns.


Hello folks! I'm introducing a small update to the LS25 fertilizer spreader, starting with the Amazone ZA-TS 3200-L (the 'L' stands for 'Line'). You can now display the current spreading width by pressing the 'X' key, which shows two small markings on the left and right. The helper will now unfold these on their own before starting work.


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  • NinaKpaas

    26 Nov 2024

    This is a must-have for the community! The features really enhance user experience and helper efficiency.


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