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BGA 1 MW not sold directly 1.1 fs22-mods

Giants Software / AK6070

16.26 MB

Added to wishlist for FS25

BGA 1 MW not sold directly 1.1
BGA 1 MW not sold directly 1.1 BGA 1 MW not sold directly 1.1 BGA 1 MW not sold directly 1.1 BGA 1 MW not sold directly 1.1 BGA 1 MW not sold directly 1.1


Version 1.1 - Production revised - cyclesPerHour=2   input SILAGE 10000 output ELECTRICCHARGE 200 output METHANE 2800 output DIGESTATE 2000   input GRASS_WINDROW 10000 output ELECTRICCHARGE 100 output METHANE 1400 output DIGESTATE 100

input SUGARBEET 10000 output ELECTRICCHARGE 200 output METHANE 2800 output DIGESTATE 2000   input POTATO 10000 output ELECTRICCHARGE 200 output METHANE 2800 output DIGESTATE 2000   Version 1.0 - all products are stored and can be transported -input: SILAGE, GRASS_WINDROW, SUGARBEET, POTATO -output: ELECTRICCHARGE, METHANE, DIGESTATE - cyclesPerHour=3

transport of ELECTRICCHARGE:
transport of METHANE :

LOG without errors

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