Bank Management v1.0.1.0

Mod-Network is recieving some updates. Thank you for your patiences ;)
Energy Pack for power generation: big WindRad, BGA500, big Solar Panel
Energy - Pack for power generation in particular to supply productions with energy
The pack upgrades the energy generators in the game by allowing them to supply their own productions with electricity.
e.g. in the NF march or in my own and other MAP's with the distribution center by me !!
generates electricity via silage, manure, liquid manure to supply productions
simply fill it with manure, liquid manure and/or silage and in the production overview in "Outgoing products" set the "Electrical charge" to "Distribute" to supply your own productions with electricity
solar panel:
large solar panel generates electricity to supply productions and not to earn money
Simply activate "Sun" and in the production overview in "Outgoing products" set the "Electrical charge" to "Distribute" to supply your own productions with electricity
large wind wheel:
large WindRad generates electricity to supply productions and not to earn money
Simply activate "Air" and in the production overview in "Outgoing products" set the "Electrical charge" to "distribute" to supply your own productions with electricity.
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