Ideal Electric (Alpine DLC wird benotigt) v1.9.0.1

Mod-Network is recieving some updates. Thank you for your patiences ;)
1.01 MB
6.03.00020 Mode 2/3 improvements
Wait before starting the next row if the rendezvous point is close to the row end.
use A* to calculate distance to combine before the
combine notifies unloader on missed rendezvous, unloader
re-plans route
try to approach combine waiting after backing out of the fruit
from the rear so we won't cut in front of it.
don't slow down around rendezvous when discharging already
don't ask for a rendezvous when the combine is not willing to,
for example when unload is disabled on the first headland.
won't initiate new rendezvous until the combine cancels the current one
move up rendezvous points close to row end
pipe in fruit map changed to have a 20 m buffer at each end of the
row to account for non-perpendicular headlands.
fixed offsets when calculating target to combine, sometimes it
used the side offset as front offset.
make sure to reset 95% full limit after making pocket
added safety margin to the calculation of the distance until full
All this to avoid the situation where the combine stops before reaching
the rendezvous point because it thinks it is full (although only 95%)
only considers unloaders actually waiting for assignment,
ignore the ones on unload course for example when a combine
is looking for an unloader
if an unloader is already assigned to a combine, only it is
waiting for the combine to become ready for unload (for example
due to fruit in pipe), assign the same combine to it. This
should probably be refactored, adding a new state for the unloader,
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