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XLFarms X1 v3.0.0.1 fs19-mods

First playable version (ALPHA v1.0.0.0)
Locomotives with 10 wagon grain and 5 wagon sugarbeets (BETA v1.0.0.1)
Adjusted load capacity of grain elevators to 5,000,000L with daily cost of 0.005 / Liter (BETA v1.0.0.1)
Removed invalid object

380.80 MB

XLFarms X1 v3.0.0.1
XLFarms X1 v3.0.0.1 XLFarms X1 v3.0.0.1 XLFarms X1 v3.0.0.1


XLFarms X1 v3.0.0.1 This is the update for the XLFarms X1.

Several bug fixes
Fix train signs
Fix error: addRequiredCrop Type foliage must match the size of the ground terrain detail

We have many improvements and bug fixes. XLFarms X1 was a map created for the FS13 version. Adapted to FS17 and converted to FS19. It is one of my favorite maps, by normal size, vast fields and pleasant topography.   Field sizes Field 1 : 36.85 ha Field 2 : 50.85 ha Field 3 : 36.85 ha Field 4 : 22.04 ha Field 5 : 23.14 ha Field 6 : 36.85 ha.


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