2015 Dodge Charger Version 2

Mod-Network is recieving some updates. Thank you for your patiences ;)
81.12 MB
1929 Ford AA Truck - By OKUSEDMODS
Enjoy this nice truck to drive into town an pick up supplies.
Note: The right bed side has no collisions to help with unloading/loading
* 3 Realistic Engine options and one extra with more power
* Clean Log
Known issues
* No color option on the cab
* No mirrors
Original Ford AA body converted from FS15. Credit for original model goes to by Hewaaa and TSL
OKUSEDMODS: I try to create realistic vehicles for players. I focus on realistic engine options and
stock appearance. My MODS are not 100% perfect but close enough to still have fun.
Enjoy and Happy Farming!
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