Mari Darth, _-OvErClOcKeR-_
29.10 MB
DT-75M v1.2.0 Changed in
- Added to leave
- Select color with script
- Opens the door when entering the tractor
- Power: 90 h/p
- speed: 25 km/h
- animation of dashboard, levers and fan
- choice of color and design
- light
- washable
- log clean
JJ Logging, SeriousMods, NSLC , JDL Logging, TennesseeFarmer, Expendables, OF Gaming, SeriousMods, Whoever else helped
Modell: Giants SoftwareTextur: Giants Software, Janni1101Script: Giants SoftwareIdee / Konzept: Giants Software, Janni1101Sonstige: SoSi Modding
Labachuk Volodumurpedik