FS19 Ellerbach Map v1.0.0.0

Mod-Network is recieving some updates. Thank you for your patiences ;)
Farmer Andy
816.79 MB
changelog v1.0.0.5
- Last Game Patch 1.5.1 is required. click_here
- A new score is needed (the new features are a little bit bigger)
- For various things the Global Company Mod is needed ! click_here
- Remaining languages reintegrated, so the following languages are available: EN, DE, FR, CZ, PL, RU
- l10n Adaptation of Animal Infos for Seasons (all available languages)
- ButterMax and butter churn display in the shop adapted for better visibility
- removed superfluous file in Ford Transit, fix the message on Dedi Server (Space character not recommended in filename: 'vehicles/fordTransit/fordTransit_diffuse - Copy.dds)
- BigBag texture looked unsightly due to Giants patch 1.5.1 (because Giants changed the detail array for the vehicle). The Big Bags are now back to the state they had before the patch.
- FertiMixerLQ unintentional liquid fertilizer removal fixed with closed lid. The lid must now be opened for filling and removal. (Same principle as with the LSFM Universal Tank Trailers)
- Script to fix a bug caused by the TSX_EnhancedVehicle Mod (Thx Ifkonator) *Update* should not cause problems in MP anymore.
- Clover bales could not be wrapped into silage bales. Now works again.
- Seasons Mask fixed to butcher and grain mill
- Ford Transit Collisionsfix for the partition
- Adapting the tomato and pepper greenhouses, plants now turn green or brown depending on the water level. (water empty plants are brown, water full plants are green)
- Purchasable milk cans did not empty properly in the farm shop
- Bale warehouses could not be sold if several were placed. A sale by selection is now possible.
- fixed several collisions of portable objects, objects bended through walls while carrying by hand.
- Ford Transit exitNode fixed, this was too high
- SILAGETRAILER Filltype Category on Map extended with: WOODCHIPS COMPOST BIOMASS CLOVER_WINDROW MANURE FORAGE FORAGE_MIXING and PIGFOOD, which allows you to fill the Claas Cargos from the ClaasDLC with these filltypes.
- Ford Transit extended, you can now transport poultry boxes (animals) with it.
- Water on the farm is no longer free.
- FertimixerLQ mixing time reduced to half.
- BigBag Max expanded: now you can also make BigBags from barley and corn, chicken feed.
- Farm shop even further improved, freezer for meat crates and some more decoration.
- AnimalTrigger adapted to the livestock trade, the trigger is now no longer located in the whole aisle but at the front of the gate. Reason for the change: some had problems with cattle trucks and trailers as a team.
- Exit at the cowshed removed as it used to be. The path can now be used without always having to drive through the barn. If you want to go out for the cows you can use the pastures.
- new straw, grass, chaff, hay and silage film textures are created.
- Fodder troughs at the cow pastures can now be filled with mixed feed bales from the Balemaster. (Previously only hay went)
- Pig feed mixer biomass exchanged for other intermediate fill type. This prevents fraud in pig feed production with biomass from the compost heap.
- BGA Technically somewhat adapted (hay removed because unreal)
- Prices for horses adjusted to more realistic values. Purchase price 3000€ Sales price for riding horse 8000€
- Silage System has been slightly changed and divided into grass silage and maize silage, whereby grass silage is the standard silage, it is now only called grass silage, maize silage is made from maize and through bunker silos on the map.
Grass silage, as the name suggests, is obtained from grass and is produced by wrapping grass bales or in the FixFermenter and in the double silo on the farm (right bunker).
Cows can be fed with both types of silage. Sheep can also be fed with grass silage.
- Double silo on the farm has been changed, the left bunker is used for maize silage production and the right bunker for grass silage production.
- Due to the new silage types, the feeding system for the cows has also been revised again and is now very close to the standard again. Mixed feed counts more than other feed. (Pay attention to the animal menu!)
- Fruit trees, value reduced by half for rainwater absorption (should prevent too much fruit growing).
- Materialholder re-organized
- Increased cheese capacity from 50L to 250L (this means that a cheese wheel has more content but less cheese is produced)
- Feeding system of the sheep revised (pay attention to the animal menu!)
- Sheep/goat house adapted for goat milk.
- Due to goat cheese the function of the cheese dairy was extended. It is now divided into 2 product lines for cheese and goat cheese. (manual start is still required!)
Note: The milk tank, the buckets and the fillable milk cans can now also be filled with goat milk. Please note that only one type of milk can be stored in the milk tank in the cheese dairy. (so either, or)
- Sales outlets were expanded with goat's milk and goat's cheese.
- new symbols for cheeses
- Ground markings in the farm shop removed.
- Cheese storage shelf extended with goat cheese
- at the vegetable stand at the petrol station fruit boxes can now be sold.
- Rainwater tanks converted to FillTypeConverter Script from GTX, and waterfillplane made more realistic.
- FixFermenter converted to FillTypeConverter Script (no longer runs as Vehicle) (manual switch on required)
- Fillable bucket converted to a realistic waterplane
- Roads completely rebuilt and some useless roads removed.
- Traffic spline moved to a non-disturbing area of the map. Reason: The new road network on the map makes it impossible to guide the traffic properly.
- Map boundaries embellished in places
- Field paths revised
- Field behind cattle dealer somewhat reduced
- Grass meadow (Field17) FieldCorners revised
- PDA map adjustment (fields revised, street changes)
- Shop assistant in the farm shop can now be muted if necessary
- Farmlands somewhat refined (gaps closed)
- PigFoodSilo behind PigFoodMixer equipped with display
- New plastic box for vegetables available in the shop (big box as alternative to the small boxes)
- Balemaster + bale magazine (placeable) integrated. For baling straw, hay, mixed feed, compost and maize silage bales. Note: Bales have a different size than the standard bales.
Mixed fodder bales are also suitable for hay barns.
- more bale storage added, especially for the small bales from the Balemaster.
- New shop category created for placeable productions.
- New intermediate filltype "badFeed" for wrong mixture introduced for the pig feed mixer. This filltype can be used like biomass on the compost heap and in the compost master.
- Claas Diesel Addon integrated (soon available as Single Mod on www.lsfarming-mods.com)
- new shelter at the grain warehouse
- Universal silos that can be filled with hose have been improved - now liquids can also be filled via hose system.
furthermore these silos are now controllable by "getting in" so the silos can be operated, it can be switched between tube filling and trigger filling,
the trigger filling is required to fill field sprayers, if this selection is active, a protective cap is displayed on the silo pipe.
Please note that you need the latest version of the LSFM Unviersal Tank Pack from version, which is included in the map archive.
- Milk tank at cheese dairy now also fillable via hose system.
- Goats now produce goat milk, from this milk goat cheese can be produced in the cheese dairy, goat milk and goat cheese have a higher yield than normal milk and normal cheese when sold.
- new warehouse for various cereals and fruits, based on the Dynamic Storage System from Global Company (this warehouse replaces the farm silo)
- another yard filling station installed at the grain warehouse.
- New type of rye fruit used (can be processed into flour in the mill. The product is rye flour in bags. Flour is used for baking bread, or it can also be sold.
- New shop category for consumer goods created under Objects.
- own farm bakery built on the farm. In this bakery you can find a dough kneading machine and an oven for baking bread. (Bread can be sold separately or in a box) (manual switch on is required for both machines)
- Storage racks (based on the ObjectStorage Script) installed in Hofbäckerrei for the storage of consumer goods for the bakery.
- Tap installed in bakery to take water with the bucket (needed for baking).
- new shop object, box for bread added (single breads can be put into the box, a bread box with 8 breads will be created, this box can be sold.
- Wood chip bags can now be bought in the shop (they are needed for baking bread). Alternatively you can use your own wood chip bags which you can make with the BigBag Max.
- Wood chips can now be bought at the sawmill, because not everybody wants to make wood himself.
- Dynamic Mud Script built in (mud like in the LS15/17)
- New sales point built in the village, a village shop this one takes the same fill types as the farm shop (goods can either be brought into the shop or sold in the back of the farm, in both cases they are sold immediately).
Note: The prices are the same as in the farm shop so the game can decide where the best price is achieved. (brings more variety into the game)
- Distance Mountains blocked for an extended landscape feeling.
- The 3 standard feed mixers from the main game, adapted for corn silage (Available in the shop)
- another small sheep/goat pasture next to the knacker's yard the same principle as the existing pasture (Attention ! Farmland must be bought)
- Milk house built into the cowshed, so that both types of milk can be stored.
- Suitable display built into the milk house, showing the fill levels and capacities. (based on GTX its Silo Display Script)
- Dung sale at Raiffeisen added.
- more hose connections installed at the pigsty, milk house, and the slurry pit at the pig farm. (note that these connections are optional hose connections, you can connect them but you don't have to)
LSFM Universal Tank Pack
Changelog version
- AddStoreCategory Script updated
- Trailer 7500L, 18000L and Shuttle Tank have been equipped with a hose system on the right and left side so that liquids can also be loaded into the LSFM Universal Silos. Dumping sides, please note the selection !
- Semitrailer 32000L, silo tipper Config extended with liquids. So the trailer can also load liquids into the LSFM Universal Silos.
Note: The hose function is only available in connection with the Hof Bergmann Map and the LSFM Universal Silos.
- Better digital level indicators are built in.
- MAN and Tatra Trucks added to the pack, the original ones have the problem that the trailer coupling is hidden when the shuttle tank is connected.
- Added pump module, this module allows to use the hose system on the Bergmann Farm Map even if the trailer itself has no hose system installed (e.g. the JohnDeere Gator drum, or all standard drums)
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