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John Deere 7810 v1.0.0.0 fs22-mods

Maxi Pupuuce


27.83 MB

Added to Wunschliste für LS25

Image: John Deere 7810 v1.0.0.0
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John Deere 7810 modified:
-Added LEDs to the roof.
-Added trumpet.
-Added a Michelin man.
-Added chains to the front hitch.
-Added a Jägermeister light panel.
-Added a CB antenna.
-Added a "turbo" logo.
-Added strobe LEDs.
-Added wider tires.
-Added a pack of Marlboro.
-Added a lighter.
-Added a new modified sound (turbo).
-Added a new horn (cargo).
-Swap -> 380 hp / modified smoke.

-2 stickers.
-Silage on the tractor.
-Traffic signs.
-Chrome grille and exhaust pipe.
-Stickers on traffic signs.
-Different interior decorations:
-Heineken beer.
-Marlboro cartridge.
-Cannabis plant.
-Husqvarna axe.

any opinion and thing to improve sounds of course read.
Good games and shushushuuu!

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