Mod-Network is recieving some updates. Thank you for your patiences ;)
Warehouse packs for vegetables and other agricultural products.
- Potato and sugarbeet warehouse
- Lime and manure warehouse
- Sugarcane and sugarCut warehouse
- Forage and silage warehouse
- Grapes and olives warehouse
- Grass and hay warehouse
- Carrot and parsnip warehouse
- Beet root and straw warehouse
Price Per Warehouse: 14000 $
DD ModPassion
Giants Software Bearswear Edits
Model: Craigory Jamison of CBJ Midwest Modding Texture: Craigory Jamison of CBJ Midwest Modding, GIANTS software and H8ggern Building Dimensions and Concept: Justin of CBJ Midwest Modding Steel Diffuse Textures: Karmarj Decoration mo