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Extended Input HUD v1.0.0.1

By: HoFFi

Image: Extended Input HUD v1.0.0.1 0 Image: Extended Input HUD v1.0.0.1 1 Image: Extended Input HUD v1.0.0.1 2


This script will extend the maximum number of enties (shown in F1 hud).

- fixed or at least minimized the issue, where some text elements are shown outsite the hud frame
- increased maximum number of additional entries for smaller hud-scales
- better support for gamepads/wheels (as far as possible)

Based on the priority set for every single action, you will see more entries which can be useful especially for beginners or if you use a lot of additional scripts.

The amount of additional entries is based on the set HUD-UI scale (in main menu).
In a few situations it could happen, that these entries are shown outside the HUD.


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