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Chevy S10 Oversize Load/Pilot Car

SomeExistite, Hivemod, GDB, Delbert Modding


Downloads: 118

Size: 29.46 MB

Category: Cars

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License: All Rights Reserved


First produced by the GM Motor Company in the 1980s and affectionately known as the 'S10' this truck has become the iconic GM small pickup truck. Now it's also a pilot car (or an escort car) (or truck).

Cars Chevy S10 Oversize Load/Pilot Car


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Delbert Modding

19 Sep 2021 - 07:30

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with this mod. I simply took a part from a trailer and used on a service truck and now this dude is taking that part and claiming I made it. Iconik originally did the oversize load sign. I have nothing to do with it except for putting the sign on a truck of mine simply. (and to the person who did this please stop using my name in the credits as I want nothing to do with this) Please start using Iconik in the credits.