By: ShabaFS Modding
Seasons GEO:Spain v1.0.1.0 This Geo is prepared to combine the mod of the seasons with the map The Old Farm Countryside,
with temperatures closest to the center of Spain.In it are added the 4 new crops, present on the map, Millet, Sorghum, Rye and Rice.
The latest version of the Seasons mod is required.
-2 new crops were added: Chickpea and Lentil, in addition to compost in the economy.
-The modIcon was modified.
Diniz Farms, GTX
Für die Preisanzeige wird der Mod Verkaufspreisauslöser von Tunis bnötigt. Konnte keinen Kontakt zu ihm herstellen um seinen Mod zu integrieren, deshalb lese ich die Daten dort nur aus.
TF 2020 MODS
San Andreas
Giants Software; Editing: Velocity