By: Model: GoldFox, ConsiTekstura: GoldFox, ConsiProgramowanie: Consi, Foobar
BRONY JARMET 14 v1.0.0.0 Information:
- Feet lowering after unhitching the machine,
- They decompose on the "X" button,
- Choice of colors,
Additional information:
- Price: 5,000
- Daily maintenance: 1
- Power requirement: 180
- Working width: 6.5
- No errors in the log,
- Works in MP.
Modelo original: xyzspainConversion FS 19: Toymatao
Model: TomaszMProgramming: OlivierJanPL
GIANTS Software, Vorrick, ramix
Modell: s8080t, MAurUSTextur: s8080t, MAurUSScript: GIANTSIdee / Konzept: s808t