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Rau Fronttank 2200 Liter v1.0.0.1

By: ls17fan


Downloads: 18

Size: 3.69 MB

Category: Implements & Tools

License: All Rights Reserved


Rau Fronttank 2200 Liter v1.0.0.1 Here I provide you with my self-made front tank.

Danke an JimmyBeam der mir die Anschlüsse für die Schläuche eingebaut hat
- Manure System Hinzugefügt
- Anschlüße für Schläuche verbaut

since the front tank supplied by Cayman was too small for me, I built a larger one
and that's how it came out.
I only took the frame where the front tank is on the front tank from Cayman because it already fit for the GT.

Implements & Tools Rau Fronttank 2200 Liter v1.0.0.1 Implements & Tools Rau Fronttank 2200 Liter v1.0.0.1
