By: Tired Iron for all the help and info making this map
Welcome to Hardin County, Kentucky. This map is based off of our farm for the most part. Map has 1 sell point for grain/milk/wool/cotton at the same place. Bale sell point next to it. Animal buy point. 4 farms. No Forestry, no map border. I messed up the sell point but it does work. My first attempt at making a map so it was a learning curve, but have fun.
First playable version (ALPHA v1.0.0.0)Locomotives with 10 wagon grain and 5 wagon sugarbeets (BETA v1.0.0.1)Adjusted load capacity of grain elevators to 5,000,000L with daily cost of 0.005 / Liter (BETA v1.0.0.1)Removed invalid object
Moos Agrar
Josh JSFarms