By: Model: Hark, Bull Core, Lukasino, Chestiik, Aaa modding, BSM, GIANTS, and otherTexture: Hark, Bull Core, Lukasino, Chestiik, Aaa modding, BSM, GIANTS, and otherScript: Hark, Bull Core, Lukasino, Chestiik, Aaa modding, BSM, GIANTS, and other
Praga V3S v1.0.0.0 Czechoslovak military truck from the 1950s
Compatibility with GIANTS Horsch Pack, Bag'n'Lifter Pack and others
many different platforms and functions.
winston9587 , Lambomods
Bear Farm / IGORyaN
Who ever made the C70 Grain mod! and the Workstar tandem dumptruck with snow plow mod!!