By: STEYR Modding Team
Hello, today we introduce the 8100 SK1 to you.
Baisisversion; Basic version means that this model will be extended / updated. We will not rename the zip file, so you can continue a game without having to buy the vehicle every time.
Oldiron1214/edited by mustard modding
Giants Software GmbHPublisher: Forbidden-Mods.deBasismodell: Xylonius (Freigabe erhalten)Reifen: Dani-86 (FBM)Nummernschild: Bremi456 (FBM)Projekt Umsetzung: Lukas2002 (FBM)Bilder: Lukas2002/FlowRider86Tester: T
modding corentin87
ByMemoCaN, FerhatY?lmaz, BM Modding, PommFritz, BR Mod Performance, Sven, nukudoxx, Bembelpower
The credits go to lolo62, hgmodel, Deezer and Mailing for converting into FS19